We got the 3rd place=)  

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Assalamualaikum peeps..

Just a short update here..

Currently at syg's.. ni ya tidur sebalah ku ah, maseh dgn baju2 nya kraja ah.. heheh.. letih ya usulnya.. Yatah, sementara atu aku curi2 lah memblog..

Well, today ada sambutan Jubli Perak Hari Kebangsaan di skulah kami. It started off with Acara Perbarisan Lalu and all the pupils were arranged according to the levels.. It was very very panas! the sun was shining right on top of our head.. (over..)

I didnt get the chance to actually prepare costumes and things apa for the perbarisan.. classes lain wah lawa2,mcm2 ragam bisdia.. ada yg bebendera, ada yg membuat itu ini.. lawa lh mcm2 pokoknya. and i chose to be simple saja. I asked my kids pakai saja cara mlayu / baju kurung biru(since most of them ada warna biru) and yg ada blue, ku suruh pkai bju purple.. i myself pakai bju biru and tudung purple..

Heheh, lapas dari perbarisan lalu, we had a short break and sambung acara di dalam dewan, mliat persembahan and kuiz apa itu ini.. I was the emcee of the event with Ustaz Hj Zakir.. Went pretty well, walaupun suaraku berbaur baur keselsemaan! selsema ehh.. we had fun, mliat persembahan2 drama, choir and all.. Tiba lah acara yang dinantikan mengumumkan pemenang bagi acara perbarisan lalu.. hahahah.. tanpa disangka2 lah aa, my class got the 3rd place bagi kategori rendah bawah=) hehe, siuk=)

And ptg ani, i went to Aneka Rasa Qlap menghadiri Majlis Perpisahan salah seorang guru yg pernah berkhidmat di sekolah kami.. (ani pun spatutnya mnghadiri bengkel plg, but i was lucky..hoho) naseb.. Kamaliah, handal kan aku?

Around 5 ish syg picked me up d qlap and we headed to syg's place.. (bangun ya udah..ni duduk2 ya sbalah ku becerita dgn sisters nya..)

ok peeps, got to go.. insyallah nnti if ada peluang ku menggrab gambar dari blog cigu2 lain..

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